Saturday, January 5, 2013

baby bibs

I have a new nephew or niece arriving in a little over a month (the first in my family) and so I have started to craft a few things for the little monkey.  I made a baby blanket a few months ago and will drag up some photos and instructions, but here are my latest creations.

I can't say that I used any specific pattern, but bought a clearance bib and used that as my template.  I also made several burb rags, to complement the bibs.  You will have to excuse my furry model, but I wanted to see how it could potential look and this was the best I could do (at least he is somewhat cooperative)   This came together rather quickly and I have a little stack of them made that I can mail out once the monkey makes his or her debut.


the start

As many know, this time of the year where resolutions are made and changes are initiated.  This year one of my goals was to be more honest and to indulge in the things that I enjoy and excite me.  So this blog was created to chronicle my escapades with crafting, cooking, photography, exercise, and life.  Hope you enjoy the journey!